Dear Peninsula Beacon: I am writing to kindly ask your readers to help keep our Peninsula schools clean and safe this summer. Every summer, the custodians and site beautification teams find broken beer bottles, broken and stolen benches, dented trash cans, skateboarding damage on cafeteria tables and pre-teens using dark corners for inappropriate behavior. We’ve even had kindergarten swings stolen and seen skateboarders riding on school roofs! Some may say, “That’s just kids being kids …” But that behavior takes money and time away from school districts, foundations and volunteers who support our schools. We work hard to make our schools beautiful so that families can use the school campuses to ride bicycles, play on playsets and read in reading areas. You can help us out! Please take some time to have a conversation with your children (young and old) about pride in their community and respect for property (be sure to mention security cameras have been installed on campuses). If you witness anyone abusing our campuses, please call the non-emergency police number at (619) 531-2000 and be sure to jot down license plate numbers and a description of the perpetrators. Heather Harris School Volunteer Ocean Beach