“Quando le tempeste della vita minacciano la tua fragile barca, guarda la Stella—invoca Maria”.
(“When the storms of life threaten your fragile bark, look to the Star—invoke Mary”.) This prayer of St. Bernard has not only guided fisherman from the earliest days of the church, but it served as inspiration for the families that helped build our beautiful Italian church.
Through the donations of some of the first families in the area, Father Rabagliati was able to purchase the house on Columbia Street and reinvent it into a small chapel where Holy Mass could be celebrated. Father Sylvester Rabagliati quickly learned they needed to expand, and after raising additional funds, they broke ground on the church in August of 1923.
Now, in preparation for its centennial, Our Lady of the Rosary completed a $2.5M restoration.
“The generosity of the parish exceeded all expectations and we raised and collected over $2.5 million in one year and six days,” said Luke Vinci Chair of Our Lady of the Rosary Finance Committee.
The restoration included remastering the original paintings as well as the carpet being replaced with Calcutta marble. Rojo Alicante marble is also being used in the center and side aisles. The confessional rooms have been restored with new stained-glass designs including pieces of the prodigal son and merciful father.
“This restoration helps us ensure our community will be able to continue to enjoy the church for the next 100 years to come,” said Father Joe Tabigue of Our Lady of the Rosary Church.
As Easter approaches, we invite you to visit our church and enjoy the beauty of the restoration for yourself. As you leave the church, see if you can spot Father Rabagliati in the newly restored murals. Our Lady of the Rosary Church is open daily for mass and is actively following COVID-19 guidelines. Holy Week’s timeline includes mass on Holy Thursday at 7:30 a.m., Good Friday Veneration of the Cross at 3pm, and Easter Vigil Mass on Easter Sunday at 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. For more information, please visit www.OLRSD.org.
With indoor dining now available at 25% capacity, be sure to stop by one of our delicious restaurants to enjoy a lovely family brunch to keep the celebration going.
For the latest updates on Little Italy, please visit us at LittleItalySD.com or follow us on Instagram @LittleItalySD, Twitter @LittleItalySD and Facebook @LittleItalySD.
— Christopher Gomez has been Little Italy’s district manager since 2000. Reach him at [email protected].