We have been in school for almost six weeks. What extraordinary times for education. Our teachers have planned rigorous lessons and activities to keep our teenagers engaged and active in their learning. While online learning is a learning curve for everyone, our students are keeping up with their academics and staying engaged in school with online clubs and after school support.
At Patrick Henry, we have a variety of clubs to engage students with common interests. Some of our clubs are:
- Black Student Union
- Red Cross Club
- Patriot Younglife Club
- Journalism Club
- Baking Club
- Greenpeace Club
- Mock Trail Club
- Philanthropy Club
- Spanish Club
- Roller Skate Club
- Rubik’s Cube Club
- Photography Club
- Anime Club
This is just a handful of clubs that we offer. Along with clubs, we also offer Academic Labs (tutoring sessions) for students Tuesdays-Fridays from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Any student can access these Academic Labs to get support from our teachers and students from our Link Crew. Check out the PHHS website for more information.
Reopening plan
Recently, Superintendent Marten shared Phase 1 reopening plan for schools. Principals were provided a comprehensive process for reopening schools during the Sept. 29 meeting that includes health and safety guidelines, transportation guidelines, multi-step process for identifying students, and learning options available for students. Eligible students will receive additional support beyond online learning to support their needs if they are in grades TK to grade 5. Our elementary school principals will be notifying eligible families within the next few weeks.
It is our hope that additional Phases will be rolled out within the next few months in order to return to in-person learning. As soon as more information becomes available, we will notify our community.
Please remember to visit the Patrick Henry website for up to date information about our school and district at – patrickhenryhs.net.
On behalf of the Patrick Henry High School faculty, we want to thank you for being our partner in education so we can ensure all students graduate with integrity, purpose, and options.
Important funding
At Patrick Henry, we receive over $200,000 of federal funding when parents turn in Free/Reduced lunch applications. I encourage families to submit your application online whether or not you believe you will qualify. This federal funding supports our library, provides tutoring for all students, mental health counseling and more. We will lose this funding if not enough people apply and qualify. Please go to this website and apply today: myschoolapps.com/Application.
If students qualify for Free/Reduced lunch, they will receive food on-site and at our many “Meals to Go” locations and they will receive free AP exams (worth $95 per exam). Please apply today.
Show your Patriot pride
If you are in need of some sweet Patriot gear, the Sideline online store is now open and Patriots can order gear for 25% off if you use code “GRANDOPENING20” by Oct. 30. Ten percent of all gear sold goes back to the students — we will divide up amongst the graduating classes as an all year fundraiser.
What’s super cool is that logos are interchangeable, can be swapped out, some colors can be changed, your name can be added to backs of items. There’s clothing as well as accessories. Visit bit.ly/3cW9zen.
Patrick Henry High School 2021 Yearbook is on sale now. Go to yearbookordercenter.com and use code “8053” to order your yearbook today. Also, follow this Link to the eShare (for parents to share photos): bit.ly/3jp7LwR.
Federal survey cards
Sometime in the next few weeks all parents/guardians will receive this year’s Federal Impact Aid Survey in your U.S. Mail. All schools need you to fill out the survey completely and accurately, and return it in the postage paid envelope — via U.S. Mail — directly to our district Impact Aid Office by Oct. 28 at the latest.
Why is this survey so important? It enables our district to receive significant income from the Federal Government, which can be used for any general fund purpose, such as instructional materials, salaries for our staff, school transportation, technology, capital needs, etc. We depend on your support in filling out the survey, so we can obtain this money each year.
— Michelle Irwin is principal of Patrick Henry High School.