Pacific Beach Planning Group (PBPB), which is recognized by the City Council to make recommendations to the City Council, Planning Commission, city staff and other governmental agencies on land-use matters, currently has several openings on its 15-member board.
“The advisory group has four residential and one commercial seat open,” said PBPG election chair Debbie Conca. “The residential seats are open to anyone living in the Pacific Beach boundaries. The commercial seat is open to any representative or owner of a business in the business district.”
Noting the planning group is the beach community’s voice, Conca asked, “Do you want to have a say in the direction that our community is going?”
She added planning board members are required to attend the group’s monthly meeting, as well as to get involved in group sub-committees where much of the research work for making decisions on projects and issues, like development, parking/traffic and code compliance, is done.
“The planning group is an advisory group to help the city keep in touch in Pacific Beach,” Conca said.
With questions or for more information, email [email protected].
PBPG meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room of Pacific Beach Taylor Library, 4275 Cass St.