Offshore fish farming is a BAD idea (“Researchers eye coastal fish farm off shores of Mission Beach,” Beacon, April 2, page )! Why do we continue to accept and promote practices that have proven damaging to the environment?? I highly recommend Jean-Michel Cousteau’s extraordinary documentary, which was aired on KPBS 4/22/09, “Ocean Adventures Voyage to Kure: Call of the Killer Whale,” which clearly documents that offshore fish farms pollute and endanger sea life. They need to be located inland. We cannot say we did not know! We must challenge all powerful institutions that support questionable practices in the name of “progress.” They do so in spite of scientific evidence that their proposals only serve private interests and ignore the greater danger to humans, other species and the planet. Do we really want to support the SeaWorld Research Institute project on behalf of greater profits for the seafood industry? Technology gone amok is one of our greatest enemies. Our silence is complicity!