TRUNCATED DOMES are gonna be the death of me. You think you don’t know what I’m talking about, but you see them every day — and they’ve just installed a section as part of the Albertson’s remodel. I’m talking about the yellow rubber mats with bumps on them on every handicapped ramp and store entrance. They’re supposed to be a godsend for the visually impaired, but I just keep tripping on them. THINK OF A REASON TO CALL MCAS MIRAMAR and then ask to be put on hold. You get to listen to John Phillips Sousa, which is a heckuva lot better than the techno screech the Apple Store plays. OVERHEARD AT THE BAR at Good Time Charlie’s: “You can’t bring a dog in here.” “It’s a service dog.” “Why do you need a service dog?” “I have a bad liver.” SPEAKING OF GOOD TIME CHARLIE’S, you must stop in and say “Hi” to new waitress Mary. A resident of Gulf Shores, Ala., the 22-year-old lost her job two weeks ago thanks to the BP oil spill. Obviously, she didn’t let any grass grow under her feet. She went online and secured an apartment at the Avalon, then hopped on a plane. A neighbor told her Charlie’s was hiring and the rest is history. She reminds me some of Little Orphan Annie, but most folks agree she looks like Bernadette Peters. FINALLY — A DREAM FULFILLED. I was leaving brunch at Green Flash last week when I noticed hostess Marissa perched on her stool reading the Beach & Bay Press. I pointed to my photo and said, “This guy is REALLY good!!” She wasn’t buying it — even (or especially) after she made the connection. I GET THE L.A. TIMES AND THE UNION-TRIBUNE. Reggie Dublin makes sure they’re bound together with plenty of green rubber bands, some of which occasionally work their way off. I was just sitting down with my morning coffee recently when I spotted one on the rug and picked it up. Turned out to be a tomato worm. KAREN VANDERKARR DAVIS needs your sixth-grade photo if you graduated from La Jolla High School in 1955. Contact her at [email protected] WHATEVER BECAME OF KENNY? I think that was his name. Everything about him was shrouded in mystery — except for the unusual outfits he sported on holidays along the boardwalk. I once heard that he had published a calendar featuring, I assume, his favorite costumes. Contact me at the information below if you can solve this puzzle. — John Fry may be reached at (858) 272-6655 or [email protected]