By Mickey Zeichick
Our next San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) meeting will be Wednesday, May 4 at 6 p.m. in the San Carlos Branch Library, 7265 Jackson Drive. Our guest speaker will be Councilmember Scott Sherman, who will discuss, among other things, the state of District 7 and respond to questions from the audience.
In addition to enjoying the councilmember’s presentation, we will have our annual board of directors election. SCAC needs more directors, if you are interested in becoming a director, please come to meetings and get to know us. Applications are available at our meetings.
At our March 2 meeting Steve Haiman, a retired economics teacher from West Hills High School in Santee, portrayed and explained the life of George A. Cowles (pronounced “Coles”), one of San Diego’s early prominent ranching pioneers. Cowles settled in the El Cajon Valley in 1877. He was a prominent rancher and purchased approximately 4,000 acres of land comprising two ranch sites about a mile apart — Woodside Ranch and Magnolia Ranch. He planted a variety of fruit trees, grapevines, olives, grains and potatoes. Cowles’ products gained nationwide attention for San Diego’s farming potential, particularly in fruits and vines. He was a businessman, founder of banks, companies, and a railway. He was one of the early business leaders in San Diego and also raised thoroughbred horses and cattle. Haiman delighted the audience and we all thank him for letting us “share” the life of George A. Cowles.
At the March 9 Navajo Community Planners (NCPI) meeting, elections were held and there are a few new faces to add to the board. I am happy to report that the two incumbents for the San Carlos area (Dan Northcutt and Tim Flodin) were voted in for another two-year term. The NCPI meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at Tifereth Israel Synagogue. Members of the community are always encouraged to attend.
Come and meet the new branch manager for the San Carlos library, David Ege. You will be happy to know that more programs are being offered and you may want to join the Book Club.
To find out what is happening in our San Carlos neighborhood, go to Nextdoor.com. If you would like to discuss a matter or join our interested persons list, please contact John Pilch at 619-462-1408 or [email protected].
The annual dues are due and you can send them to SCAC, P.O. Box 19246 San Diego, CA 92159-0246. Cost is only $7 per household or $15 for a business membership.
—Mickey Zeichick is the former president of the San Carlos Area Council who is subbing for president John F. Pilch. Reach Pilich at [email protected].