By Mickey Zeichick
Our next San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) meeting will be Wednesday, May 4, 2016 at 6 p.m. in the San Carlos Branch Library, 7265 Jackson Drive. Our guest speaker will be Councilmember Scott Sherman who will discuss, among other things, the state of District 7 and respond to questions from the audience. Our bi-monthly meetings are open to the public, member and non-members alike and we encourage your attendance.

In addition to enjoying the councilmember’s presentation, we will have our annual election of Board of Directors. SCAC needs more directors, so if you are interested, please come to meetings and get to know us. Applications are available at our meetings.
District 7 council representative
Through May, Ryley Webb is returning as our council representative for Councilmember Scott Sherman. Webb’s email is RWebb@sandiego.gov and the District 7 phone number is 619-236-6677. Cassie will return in June.
Police community relations officer
John Steffen is our new community relations officer assigned to the Police Department’s Eastern Division. Fortunately for us, Officer Steffen grew up in the Navajo area and knows it well. His email address is JMSteffen@pd.sandiego.gov and his phone number is 858-495-7971.
Patrick Henry High School
Prom night is May 14 and will be held at the San Diego Zoo! Now is a good time for those wanting to clear their closets of gently used formal wear they no longer wear and consider donating that clothing to the PHHS. There are students who would love to go to prom but the cost of this special evening can be just too daunting; but by donating your gently used but in good shape clothing, you can make the difference in helping someone feel royal instead of not being able to attend.
Last year I cleaned out my closet of six dresses that I was no longer emotionally attached to and donated them to PHHS. I felt so good because I not only cleaned out some unused clothing, but I was helping a student who may not have been able to attend prom because of cost. For information on how you can help (both mens and womens clothing is needed) please contact me at 619-461-6032.
Logging on to Nextdoor.com is a good way to find out what is happening in our neighborhood. Our Nextdoor page has social posts and also discusses other neighborhood matters including if you are looking for a plumber, electrician, roofer, or where to dispose of an item or items. If you would like to discuss a matter or join our interested persons list, please contact Mickey Zeichick at 619-461-6032 or mrzeichick@gmail.com.
Navajo Community Planners, Inc.
Planning groups are recognized by the city of San Diego and planning groups make recommendations to the city on land-related issues such as redevelopment, cell towers and parks. NCPI meets the second Wednesday of the month at Tifereth Israel Synagogue in San Carlos. Their website is navajoplanners.org.
San Carlos Area Council dues are due (just $7 per household and $15 for a business) and you can send them to SCAC, P.O. Box 19246, San Diego, CA 92159-0246. If you are asking, “What do I get for my membership dollars,” come to our May meeting and find out.
— Mickey Zeichick is the former president of the San Carlos Area Council, wring on behalf of current president president John Pilch. Reach John Pilch at jfpilch@hotmail.com.