By Mickey Zeichick | San Carlos Area Council
The next meeting of the San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) will be Wednesday, Sept. 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the San Carlos Branch Library 7265 Jackson Drive. We will be meeting monthly and please note the new time. Our focus will be on the elected officials’ representatives and of course the fire and police departments.
Our monthly meetings will alternate between more in-depth reports from elected officials’ representatives one meeting and the next month’s meeting will have a speaker as the focus, however, elected official office representatives will be invited to provide brief updates.
Parks Master Plan
The city of San Diego’s Parks Master Plan is a three-year planning effort to shape our future parks, recreation facilities and programs over the next 20 to 30 years. I attended the public outreach meetings and was very vocal in wanting an off-leash dog park in the San Carlos area and rest benches for those of us who are “challenged,” and yet want to walk about our beautiful area. Walking and swimming are two of the most beneficial ways to exercise — and generally do not cost much money. But we need to rest and catch our breath or let our bones settle in.
I also stated that we need more sports fields and would like to see a skateboard area for our youth. I do believe I was heard, and now let’s see how we do. Don’t give up on our getting an off-leash dog park — stay with me on this.
Lake Murray Fireworks and MusicFest
The fireworks were even more spectacular than last year’s (which were fabulous). You can still make a financial donation to this 501(c)(3) organization to help fund next year’s event. Please make your check payable to “Lake Murray Fireworks” and send it to: Lake Murray Fireworks C/O SCAC, Attn: Tracy Dahlkamp, PO Box 19246, San Diego, CA 92159.
San Carlos sign
The “Welcome to San Carlos” sign has been fixed! Government works slowly, and I believe our Councilmember Scott Sherman just wanted one more thing to do, so I understand that he just rolled up his sleeves and did it. Way to go, Scott! The sign is very nice. Thank you.
SCAC dues are due ($7 per household). Please send your check for membership to: SCAC, P.O. Box 19246, San Diego, CA 92159-0246. If you wish to be added to The Interested Persons List or have a topic you would like to learn about, please contact Mark Schulze at [email protected].
— Mickey Zeichick is secretary for the San Carlos Area Council.