By Shain Haug and Tommy Thornton
SoccerCity public forum
Our next Allied Gardens/Grantville Community Council (AGGCC) Town Hall Meeting will be on May 23 at 7 p.m. at Ascension Lutheran Church at 51st Street and Zion Avenue.
A presentation will be made by The Goal San Diego Committee, representatives of the group proposing to redevelop the Qualcomm Stadium site by bringing MLS soccer and a mixed-use community to Mission Valley.
The developers have turned in over 112,000 petition signatures that are expected to qualify an initiative relative to this project. In June 2017, they will ask the San Diego City Council to place the initiative on the November 2017 ballot for voter approval.
In summary, the plan calls for conversion of public land to a privately developed, mixed-use project that will include a river park, MLS stadium, residences, businesses, and public athletic fields.
Everything about the proposed development, from financing through the lease/purchase, to completion, is complex at many levels. At our May 23 forum, the developer will explain all aspects of project, will answer your questions regarding this use of the property, and will give you the information you need to inform your vote.
This presentation will not be in the form of a debate, the AGGCC does not have the expertise to conduct such a forum. You will be given the opportunity to submit written questions that an AGGCC representative will direct to the developer’s representatives.
RSVP presentation
Our July 25 town hall meeting will feature a presentation by the San Diego Police Department’s Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol (RSVP). You have seen these folks on patrol in our neighborhood. This will be a chance to find out more about their mission and to consider joining this important civic organization.
First Friday concerts
We are just a few weeks away from this year’s inaugural First Friday concert in the park at the Allied Gardens Recreation Center. The summer concert series kicks off June 2 with a performance by High Tide Society, a “yacht rock”-style band. The entertainment begins at 6 p.m. and ends at approximately 8 p.m.
These events are for the enjoyment of all generations of the family — lawn chairs and picnics are encouraged.
Here is a list of the performances this summer:
June 2: High Tide Society (yacht rock)
July 7: Popvinyl (seven-piece band with a twist of hits from the ’70s, ’80s and present)
Aug. 4: Classic Buzz (classic rock)
Sept. 1: Morgan Leigh Band (country pop)
Oct. 6: TBD
New AGGCC board members
On May 1, we installed Megan Gould and Lisa McCleave as members of the AGGCC board of directors. Their talents and energy will be much appreciated by our community.
Our most sincere thanks
Marilyn Reed moved to our neighborhood 28 years ago. She joined in the efforts of the Allied Gardens/Grantville Community Council when the organization led the effort against the Kaiser Permanente medical waste disposal incinerator. She served as president and vice president of the council for extended periods.
Reed continues to be member and recently took over responsibility for the Holiday Festival and the holiday decorations on the triangle and fly over bridge. She is serving her third term as an Allied Gardens representative on the Navajo Community Planners, Inc. where she is treasurer and representative to the Mission Trails Citizens Advisory Board. She worked on the Grantville Stake Holders Committee during the development of the master plan for that area. All this while raising three children and working full time.
Look around your neighborhood. Much of the good and wholesome environment that surrounds us is the result of her commitment. Marilyn, thank you so very much.
Board of directors meetings
The AGGCC board of directors meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Ascension Lutheran Church. Our next meeting will be on June 5. The public is welcome.
—Shain Haug is the president of the Allied Gardens/Grantville Community Council. Reach him at [email protected]. Suggestions for town hall meetings and council action will be much appreciated. Tommy Thornton is a member of the council and a member of Allied Gardens Community Events, the organization that produces the concerts.