Suspect on loose after Midway robbery Police investigators are continuing to seek clues after the 7-Eleven store at 2387 Midway Dr. was robbed June 19. San Diego Police Department spokesperson Mónica Muñoz said an undisclosed amount of money was taken during the incident. No injuries were reported. According to police officials, the robbery occurred around 11 p.m. when a man wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt walked into the store and purchased a bag of chips. Police said that after the man left the store, he returned and showed a handgun to the clerk, asking the employee to open the cash register. The suspect allegedly took cash and fled in a gray Jeep Loredo, heading westbound on Barnett Avenue. Police reports describe the suspect as five feet nine inches tall, Hispanic and in his 20s, with brown eyes and a short haircut. Lobster poacher given 4-month sentence Jason Bryan Chavez pleaded guilty June 11 to poaching undersize lobsters in the ocean off South Mission Beach. He was ordered to serve 120 days in custody and placed on probation. According to the City Attorney’s Office, police arrested Chavez around 4:30 a.m. on May 18. A police officer noticed Chavez taking an empty backpack to the ocean and returning to the car with it full. Upon searching Chavez’s car, police discovered 46 lobsters. The lobsters were confiscated and returned to the ocean. Chavez had parked in the parking lot and poached the lobsters with a pole and a net, according to Gina Coburn, spokesperson for the City Attorney’s Office. Chavez’s conviction included five charges: fishing without a license, taking spiny lobsters by unlawful means, possession of an undersize lobster, possession of an overlimit of lobsters and possession of spiny lobsters out of open season. Since 1997, Chavez has had a total of six fish and game violations – past offenses include illegal means of taking fish and overfishing clams and ghost shrimp. Citizens can report a poacher by calling the California Fish and Game hotline at (888) 334-2258. Community CPR event slated at Petco Park San Diego’s emergency responders are reaching out to local youth league baseball and softball players (ages 10-15) for a special, free cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) community education event. San Diego City Firefighters Local 145, the San Diego Padres and San Diego Medical Services Enterprise’s Project Heart Beat are teaming up to offer a free pregame CPR class Sunday, July 19 at 10:30 a.m. at Petco Park’s Park at the Park. Calle “Heroes-In Training,” each participating family will receive a free “CPR Anytime” training kit with a CPR mannequin and instructional DVD, goodie bags, a CPR lesson delivered by a San Diego 9-1-1 emergency responder and two free tickets to attend the Padres game against the Colorado Rockies following the event. Participants are encouraged to wear their uniforms and show their team spirit. Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the United States. Early intervention such as CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) use can save lives. San Diego’s emergency responders and the Padres are teaming up to teach the life-saving skill to San Diego’s youth. RSVP is required by Friday, July 10. For more information or to sign up, call (619) 243-0909.