Calling all student artists Students across San Diego are invited to sharpen their crayons to create a poster about “living in a drought” for the ninth annual Water Conservation Poster Contest, administered through the city’s Water Department. Posters are due March 25. Posters will be displayed in the City Administration Building, at the San Diego Watercolor Society Gallery and at the San Diego County Fair Kids Best Art Exhibit. Eighteen winners will be selected and recognized at a City Council meeting plus receive four tickets to the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center. The top winner will receive a U.S. Saving Bond for $100; the second-place winner will get $75 and the third-place winner will receive $50. Posters should be sent to 600 B St., Suite 1210, San Diego, 92101. For more information, visit www.sandiego.gov/water/conservation or call (619) 515-3500. SDG&E hawks new kit that saves water, energy San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) is offering a kit designed for double duty — the conservation of both water and energy — to all residential customers with an SDG&E account. And it’s free. The new Home Energy- and Water-Savings Kit includes aerators for the kitchen and bathroom faucets, a low-flow showerhead and a list of tips to save energy. Aerators introduce air into the water flow, maintaining high pressure while reducing water usage; low-flow showerheads do pretty much the same thing and can cut the use of water by more than 50 percent. On average, each San Diegan uses about 71 gallons of water a day. Only one kit is available per household; please allow four to six weeks for delivery. To order, visit sdge.com/energykit or call the company’s energy information center, (800) 644-6133.