New Mission Bay High School principal Fred Hilgers does not hesitate when asked what his goals for the school are. Hilgers, a former vice principal at Mission Bay, said he wants it to be the best high school in the San Diego Unified School District within five years. “We have to increase the level of teaching and learning in the classroom,” Hilgers said. “We have to support teachers and students to take on tougher courses.” Hilgers served as vice principal at Mission Bay from 2002-2005. Before becoming principal, he was principal at the Creative Performing Arts Middle School in Clairemont. Hilgers has also worked at Crawford and Clairemont high schools and Marston Middle School. Hilgers said at a school like Mission Bay – where many students are bussed in – the challenge is communication. Hilgers aims to reach out to all the communities in San Diego that have students at Mission Bay. “We’re working really hard on being ‘Team Mission Bay,’ trying to create a community,” Hilgers said. “We’re working really hard on developing relationships with all the community groups.” Hilgers, 44, has lived in San Diego for all but two years of his life and was a member of the first graduating class at Clairemont. He also graduated from UCSD.