By Judy McCarty
Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated (NCRWF) is looking forward to April 14 for dinner and an evening with the extraordinary, irrepressible Dr. Gina Loudon — author, columnist, frequent Fox News commentator and mother of five — who will speak and sign her latest book, “What Women Really Want.”
Dr. Loudon helped launch “PolitiChicks,” which represents strong, independent and accomplished conservative women, and their website, politichicks.com, which provides news¸ original commentary and interviews with the nation’s political leaders, newsmakers and conservative entertainers.
The evening begins with cocktails (no-host bar) at 5 p.m. and dinner at 6 p.m., with Dr. Gina to follow. The event will be held at the El Cajon Elks Lodge at 1400 East Washington Ave. in El Cajon. Cost is $30 per person. A silent auction, “The Navajo Road Show,” will run throughout the evening’s activities and a portion of the proceeds will go to the purchase of an Action Trackchair for injured veterans. We hope you’ll join us! RSVP by April 1 to [email protected] or call 619-447-7464. Mail checks to NCRWF at 10362 Orozco Road, San Diego, 92124.
NCRWF will also host a potluck luncheon for new, prospective and regular members at the home of Ginny Wisely in Fletcher Hills on April 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. as an opportunity for our rapidly growing membership. It’s a chance for us to get to know each other better and share the camaraderie of like-minded women. RSVP to [email protected] for information and directions.
The March meeting was a rousing success with campaign strategist Jason Roe and representatives of the Border Patrol speaking. District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis joined us, as well as representatives of local elected officials and candidates.
Our May meeting will return to The Brigantine for a luncheon meeting. In June, we’ll be at the Bali Hai for our annual fundraiser fashion show.
The Downtown Republican Club, sponsored by NCRWF, meets Thursday, May 21 at 6 p.m. at Athens Market on the corner of First and F streets, Downtown. The club meets the third Thursday of every other month in a relaxed after-work setting. Cost is $15 for the amazing buffet and no-host bar. We are delighted that former KUSI meteorologist and co-founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman, will talk to us on “Global Warming – Fact or Fiction?” His talk in January at the NCRWF meeting was so popular that space was not available for all those who wanted to attend. This is a great chance to get into the discussion and ask questions on this very timely and hot topic.
For more information, please visit navajocanyonrwf.org.
—Judy McCarty is publicity chairman for the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated.