During this time of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, we feel fortunate to have President Trump who is working well with Republican and Democrat governors, mayors and advisors to assure that Americans have the best possible guidelines and policies to get us through this crisis. Thank goodness he had the courage to stop incoming flights from China when he did, even though many accused him of over reacting and being a racist. Under his guidance private factories retooled in order to provide needed ventilators, masks and gowns and got them delivered where they were needed most and in remarkably short time.
We are proud to live in a country where Americans always rise to the occasion and help others in a time of need. We have many reasons to be proud, and are especially proud of our President. We are a nation that knows how to get stuff done!
While we are all hunkered down at home, there are ways we can volunteer with the upcoming election. Perhaps you would like to write postcards or make phone calls. Noli Zosa, candidate in the District 7 San Diego City Council race would appreciate your help. Contact Victor Lopez at [email protected].
Navajo Canyon members will be very focused on getting out the vote for the November election. We will be reminding voters to mail in their ballots on time or go the polls in person. Please contact us and see how you can help!
As our economy is beginning to re-open, Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon look forward to returning to our regular meetings. We surely miss the smiling faces and camaraderie of our members, guests and speakers. We had a wonderful evening event planned at the Carlton Oaks Country Club, which we will reschedule as soon as it is feasible. Our annual fashion show is still on target for Oct. 13 at the beautiful outdoor patio of Bali Hai.
Until then, please stay safe, healthy and keep in touch with us via our website at rwcNavajo-Canyon.org and on Facebook at Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon. For other information please call Marjie at 619-990-2791.
This is a time when we should all be united in helping those who need assistance. An encouraging word or a gesture of kindness can change the day for someone struggling with isolation. These times are a bit rough on everyone, but Instead of focusing on the negative, this is the time to be creative and think of ways to help others.
There is a delicate balance right now between our personal freedoms and protecting our population. People have fought and died for these freedoms, and it is not like us to toss them aside casually. It does seem reasonable that for now we can respect others, wash our hands, quit touching our face and stay inside for a few weeks. Let’s show our appreciation for all those that are keeping our food supply flowing, our healthcare facilities functioning, our streets safe, along with everything else that we may have been taking for granted.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the Republican Woman of California – Navajo Canyon.