By Judy McCarty
Campaign strategist Jason Roe has become a popular speaker at Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated meetings, and he will return March 10 with his perceptions of current political goings-on locally, statewide and nationally. (We had a great debate about the upcoming county supervisor elections last meeting with both Supervisor Dianne Jacob and County Republican Party Chairman Tony Krvaric in attendance.) A Washington veteran, Jason returned to San Diego and co-founded Revolvis, Inc., a campaign consultancy. He’s a frequent guest of “Fox News” – and of NCRWF! Check-in time begins at 10:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. meeting. A full-course lunch will be served at noon with the speaker following at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $20 and reservations are required. RSVP (with luncheon RSVP in the subject line) to [email protected] or call Glenda at 619-284-9958.

(Courtesy of NCRWF)
To get to know our many new members, we have scheduled a get-acquainted potluck on Saturday, March 28. For details, call Glenda at 619-284-9958.
The Downtown Republican Club, our satellite club, will take up the subject of the new “Yes Means Yes” law (saying “No” is no longer enough), and Prop 47, the so-called Safe Neighborhoods Act, at their March 19 meeting at 5:30 p.m. at Athens Market on the corner of First and F streets Downtown. The discussion will be led by Deputy District Attorneys Trish Amador and Tia L. Quick. The club meets on the third Thursday of every other month in a relaxed after-work setting; cost is $15 for the amazing buffet and no-host bar. RSVP to [email protected]. The club is also delighted to announce that former KUSI meteorologist and co-founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman, will headline the May 21 meeting. His talk in January at the NCRWF meeting was so popular, space was not available for all those who wanted to attend. Now is your chance to get into the discussion and ask questions on this very timely and hot topic.
For more information, please visit navajocanyonrwf.org.
—Judy McCarty is publicity chairman of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated.