Every day, visitors to Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP), one of the largest urban parks in the United States, capture photographs that feature its wildlife, seasons, and sweeping landscapes.
The MTRP Foundation’s annual photo contest is an opportunity for non-professional photographers to share their unique photographic perspective with the community and possibly have their photograph on view at the MTRP Visitor and Interpretive Center.
The 29th Annual Photo Contest, organized by the nonprofit Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation, is now accepting photo entries, and photographers of all ages are encouraged to enter (Deadline is March 15). The submission process is all online and there is no entry fee. Adults may submit one photo to the category of their choosing – Plants, Animals, Landscapes, or People – and teens and children 12 and younger may submit one photo of any subject to their age group.
This contest is for amateur/non-professional photographers only. Photos must be taken within Mission Trails Regional Park from an authorized trail and have MTRP as their subject. Past submissions may not be entered.
The entries will be scored by a panel of judges, then selected entries will be on view at the Visitor Center from May 6 – June 16.
All qualifying entries will be featured on the MTRP website beginning on May 6 and winners will be announced at the Photo Contest’s exhibition opening the evening of Thursday, May 11.
Learn more about the photo contest and enter at: mtrp.org.
Photo courtesy of Peter Pham