In February, City of San Diego staff and the MTRP Foundation staged the 24th annual Volunteer Awards Celebration, an opportunity to acknowledge the service of the 829 individuals who volunteered at Mission Trails in 2019. Collectively, the volunteers worked a total of 11,991 hours of service, valued at more than $360,000.
At the Volunteer Awards Celebration event, a dinner hosted by the MTRP Foundation preceded a ceremony where volunteers were recognized for their dedication to the park. Senior Ranger Ryan Robertson provided updates, including the fact that the new Field Station at the East Fortuna Staging Area was to open soon, and that planning related to projects outlined in the updated master plan for the park had commenced.

Rangers presented in their respective focus areas, and the awardees received a certificate from Councilmember Scott Sherman and gift cards from the MTRP Foundation. Volunteers also received certificates marking five, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service. To learn about volunteering at Mission Trails, from one-day service projects to longer-term engagements, please visit mtrp.org.
Photo contest
Engage with and support Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP) by entering the 28th annual Amateur Photography Contest. The MTRP Foundation organizes the contest as a way to encourage photographers of all ages to capture their experiences of MTRP through the lens, and to share their unique perspectives with the community.
Participants may submit up to five entries ($5 fee per entry) and the images can include these categories: plants, animals, people, and landscapes. The contest divisions include children ages 12 and younger, teens (13-17 years), and adults (ages 18+) so photo enthusiasts of all ages can participate.
Photo contest entries will be displayed at the park’s Visitor Center from May 9 through June 19, with an awards reception on Sunday, June 7, from 2-4 p.m. Photo contest entries must be received by mail or dropped off at the MTRP Visitor Center by April 24. For more information including contest rules, prizes, and an application, visit mtrp.org.
Memorial benches, plaques
Do you feel a strong connection to Mission Trails Regional Park and would like to both support the park and recognize your and/or loved ones’ dedication to MTRP? If so, we have an opportunity for you.
At the park, you’ve likely seen park users relaxing on benches and sitting at picnic tables to take in the beautiful natural surroundings. Recently, additional spaces for bench placements at the base of Cowles Mountain were approved, and there are five benches spaces currently available for perpetual sponsorship.
In addition to the benches at Cowles Mountain, there are other areas in the park where memorial and commemorative plaque opportunities are available, for both benches and picnic tables. Learn how you can memorialize your family and loved ones through the MTRP Foundation’s Memorial and Commemorative Plaque Program by contacting Kristin Sweeney at [email protected] or call the 619-668-3280.
— Jennifer Morrissey is executive director of the Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation.