The Mission Beach Women’s Club S.O.S. Committee is at it again. In honor of Veterans Day, we are supporting our servicewomen and sending goodies overseas. The boxes will be stuffed at the Nov. 13 meeting and sent out on Nov. 14. If you can’t attend the meeting, please bring your items to the Olive Café or Olive Baking Co. on Santa Clara Place or leave them at the MBWC before Nov. 13. If you have any questions, contact co-chairs Sarah Mattinson at 619-829-2600 or Nancy Person at 818-648-1203. Let’s show the female troops how much we appreciate their service!
Please note, our boxes can be the only care package some of these women receive during their entire deployment. Be thoughtful when you make your purchases. The things most requested by servicewomen are toiletries, cards/dice, current magazines, jerky, and new or gently used paperback books (keep in mind that most of these women are between the ages of 18 and 25). We are honoring the sacrifices made by these women, so please do not bring expired food or discolored toiletries.
If you can, please bring the following to the November meeting to expedite the process: blue or black pens, and completed or blank thank-you cards (we will fill in the blank ones at the meeting) to include in the boxes. Help will also be needed bringing the boxes to the post office the morning after the meeting.
Thanks in advance for your participation.
Support Our Servicewomen list Toiletries (small, travel sizes are best):
Hand sanitizer Baby-wipes?Q-tips?Razors?Shaving gel Chapstick / Lipstick EarplugsTampons?Perfume?Make-up?Feminine deodorant Moisturizer/Creams?Scented shampoo and soaps Toothbrushes and toothpaste Plastic sandwich baggies Tissues – small packages. Miscellaneous:
Magazines – Cosmo, People, Glamour, Entertainment Weekly, etc.
Paperback books for women International calling cards i-tunes gift cards?Generic playing cards
Uno or other specific card game?Soft blankets (the smaller, throw type) Mad-libs?DVDs (many have personal computers) Dice. Food:
Emergen-C?Lemonade mix (or anything that sweetens water)?Hot sauce packets (not glass bottles)?Tuna-fish packets or cans with their own pop-off tops?Granola bars, Power bars, Power Harvest bars, Natural Valley bars, Luna bars, etc.?Nuts – any variety, peanuts, trail mix?Fruit roll-ups, fruit snacks, dried fruit?Combo snacks (not too fragile) – peanut butter & crackers, cheese and crackers, snack pack chips Mini-candy bars, M & M’s, any kind of chocolate as long as it’s sealed (not boxed)?Chewing gum, Salt water taffy?Beef or other meat jerky.