Given the opportunity to compete against some of the best track athletes in the greater San Diego area, Mission Bay track members will be in action Saturday, April 21 at the second annual Jim Cerveny Invitational.
“After being named the head coach in 2015, it seemed like a good idea to create not only fundraising for our program but a way to honor the great legacy Mission Bay has,” Mission Bay track coach Danny Perez said.
Cerveny was Mission Bay’s first state champion, winning the 880 in 1957 to a then national record, a leader in track and field in San Diego. In honoring Cerveny’s accomplishments, Mission Bay is set to host 34 different schools this Saturday (there were 24 last year). Local notable teams are Patrick Henry, San Diego High, Lincoln, and Morse. Among the marquee events will be the Charles Jock 800m, Jarred Bray Invite shot put and the Kathy Devine shot put invite. All three are former state meet champions. “The benefit for our athletes is whether they are competing or helping, they get to experience an elite meet being hosted at their own school,” Perez stated. “We bring the community together by having local business such as Moving Shoes, Woodstock Pizza, and Liquid Foundation involved.”
Field action starts at 8:30 a.m. and running events at 9 a.m. Tickets are $5 all day, with a full snack bar open too.