In October, Midway-Pacific Highway Community Planning Group heard about San Diego International Airport’s new development plan, as well as agreeing in principle to further reform of electric scooter regulations.
Brendan Reed, SDIA’s director of planning and environmental affairs, clued community planners in on the latest developments with the ongoing remodel of Terminal 1, which accommodated 2.5 million passengers annually when it opened in 1967.
“SDIA now serves more than 24 million passengers a year and one million international passengers,” Reed said adding international travelers “stay longer and spend more money.”
Reed noted SDIA will always be restricted by its single runway, adding it is only one of five U.S. airports that has a mandatory departure curfew from 11:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.
Characterizing airport Terminal 1 now as “very crowded with long lines,” Reed said the airport’s new development plan seeks to streamline operations. That plan envisions potential upgrades to the airport’s roadway and intersections leading to it, as well as improving its transit connectivity.
“We’re continuing to explore a trolley extension to the airport with things like a people mover in a tunnel or a monorail,” Reed said adding a new shuttle service will open soon providing service every 15 minutes from Old Town Trolley Station to SDIA.
Concerning a possible new transit hub linking with the airport, Reed said a decision has not yet been made on where that might be located. One spot proposed is the NAVWAR facility on Pacific Highway.
“The perception is that that is a done deal,” said MPHCPG chair Cathy Kenton. “Most of us share concerns about the NAVWAR site being redeveloped as a grand central station or mobile hub. We want to have a seat at the table and provide some input.”
SDIA’s development plan is available at san.org. Public comments on it are due by Nov. 4.
On scooters, Bill Zent from Pacific Beach, who started an online petition at scooterban.com, gave a presentation asking Midway planners to endorse San Diego City Councilmember Barbara Bry’s call for a six-month moratorium on scooters to give the City time to craft more sensible regulations for them.
But MPHCPG members, one of whom rides scooters, were unconvinced that a moratorium was necessary. After debate, the planning group voted 6-1 in favor of a motion that stopped short of endorsing a moratorium, while supporting consideration of improved regulations to more effectively curb scooter overindulgence and limit the city’s liability for them. IN OTHER ACTION
• Liaison officer David Surwilo said San Diego Police Department has been more active recently in Midway. “Homeless Outreach Teams have been doing a lot of enforcement and outreach in this general area,” he said. “Hopefully, you’re seeing some improvements.”
• City staffer Josh Coyne said the D2 office is looking into funding needs for San Diego Fire-Rescue Department Station 20 at 3305 Kemper St. “They may need some additional equipment including a washing machine and dryer and workout equipment for the station,” he said.