Elections for several open seats on the Midway/Pacific Highway Community Planning Group will take place 2:30 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 15, at the San Diego Community College-West City Campus, 3249 Fordham St. MCPG is a citizens advisory group authorized by the City of San Diego to make recommendations on land use, development, traffic, and other issues. In order to be eligible to vote in the Planning Group election, you must either live in the Midway Planning Area, own property in the Midway Planning Area, own or manage a business, or be the officially designated representative of a business in the Midway Planning Area.
Candidates wishing to serve on the board must have attended at least one meeting prior to elections, be able to attend regularly scheduled monthly meetings (third Wednesdays, 3 to 5 p.m.), and attend a one- time city training workshop, held on a Saturday. For more information about membership on the planning group, call Cathy Kenton at 858-509-7996, or email [email protected]. Deadline to be listed on the ballot is Monday, March 13.