Bird Rock Community Council members touched on a number of issues during the May monthly meeting, including the status of Midway Bluff repairs, summer family movie nights, neighborhood watch signs and the community’s Maintenance Assessment District. Board member Barbara Dunbar said the Midway Bluff stabilization project is drawing toward completion, noting that the closed construction area “is expected to open for public use by the end of July once the (new) landscaping has been established. They (city) are just asking for patience for the landscaping they just put in to become fully established before they let people in.” In what’s become a tradition, outdoor summer movie nights will be hosted again this year in the parking lot of Bird Rock Surf Shop, at 5509 La Jolla Blvd. Movies this year include “Million Dollar Arm” Wednesday, June 22; “Big,” starring Tom Hanks, Wednesday, July 13; and “Zootopia” Wednesday, Aug. 10. All summer movies start at 8 p.m. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Skateboards are not allowed. BRCC is accepting donations for new Neighborhood Watch signs, which cost $42 apiece. Residents were also reminded, with warmer weather coming, to always lock their doors, windows and fence gates to prevent easy access to their properties by burglars. The quarterly inspection of the Maintenance Assessment District took place April 28, said Dunbar, noting “a couple of large rocks are being placed in MAD areas down by Seahaus.” She said it’s hoped the rocks will discourage delivery trucks from running over landscaped plants, killing them and forcing them to be continually replaced. Dunbar added the Bird Rock MAD has also exceeded mandated targets for conserving water. Kevin Melton, Republican candidate for the 78th Assembly District, which includes Bird Rock and La Jolla, introduced himself. Melton is running against Democrat Todd Gloria for the state assembly speakership previously held by Toni Atkins. Melton said he believes in a “hand up not a handout,” adding, if elected, he would work in Sacramento to make the state more business friendly. Heidi Hawkins, publisher of a new community-oriented magazine called “Bird Rock Living,” also introduced herself, stating her new publication will be “colorful and glossy” and be “very social and fun” as well as being free to the approximately 1,200 homes in Bird Rock and Upper Hermosa. The next BRCC meeting will be held Tuesday, June 7 at 6 p.m at Bird Rock Elementary School, 5372 La Jolla Hermosa Ave.