By Hutton Marshall | SDUN Editor
Last month, both mayoral candidates stopped off in Hillcrest to garner support as the Feb. 11 election quickly approaches. Councilmember David Alvarez held a fundraiser at Bamboo Lounge on Dec. 18. The lounge’s owner Alex Marin was the event’s lead sponsor. More than 120 guests reportedly attended.

The event was held the day after City Council reaffirmed the Barrio Logan Community Plan, which will go before voters after a petitioned referendum. Critics of the referendum accused wealthy interests of using their financial backing to derail the community plan created by Barrio Logan.
“Keven Faulconer would have that community governed by republicans, the Lincoln Club, the Chamber of Commerce and shipyard owners,” Alvarez said. “I believe neighborhoods should be able to control their own futures.”

Two days later, On Dec. 20, Councilmember Kevin Faulconer embarked on a “Community Small Business Walk” throughout Hillcrest, stopping at nine businesses over the course of an hour and a half. Joining Faulconer was Susan Jester, founder of AIDS Walk San Diego and president of San Diego County’s Log Cabin Republicans. The walk ended at Harvey Milk’s Diner, where Faulconer spoke briefly with media.
“What’s so unique about Hillcrest is that strong pride and support — also that entrepreneurial spirit of people that have started their businesses here, and my job is to make sure they’re successful and that the city does everything it can,” Faulconer said.
When asked about the community plan update taking place in Uptown and surrounding areas, Faulconer said preserving the “community character” of these neighborhoods was important.
“We have to protect what is unique about Hillcrest, and that is the small business focus,” Faulconer said. “We have to respect the unique community character that makes these neighborhoods our neighborhoods. You can’t have a one-size-fits-all policy. That’s not what San Diego’s all about.”