The Point Loma Masonic Lodge No. 620 will recognize two outstanding emergency responders at their annual Peace Officer and Firefighter of the Year awards dinner. Police officer Gerry Waclewak and firefighter Alfredo Duron will be the honorees during the April 2 dinner. The honorees will receive a certificate from Congresswoman Susan Davis and an award plaque during the event. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors will also provide a proclamation to honor the two men. Waclewak will receive the Peace Officer of the Year award. He joined the San Diego Police Department in 1985 and has worked throughout San Diego. Waclewak has served two stints in the Western Division and currently is assigned there. According to Masonic officials, Waclewak strives to improve the quality of life in the Ocean Beach area, working with citizens groups, the homeless and public agencies in the area. “He just makes it a better community here for everybody,” said Point Loma Worshipful Master Lorenzo Provencio. For the last three years, Waclewak has run the Serial Inebriates Program and geographic probation programs in the Ocean Beach area. It is a program observers said helps keep the community and area beaches safe. A majority of the people in these programs are alcoholics, homeless, mentally ill and drug users. Provencio said the Western Division recommended Waclawek for the award. “We ask for the Western Division to suggest somebody from that division that works in this area who we need to recognize,” Provencio said. Fire captain and paramedic Duron will be awarded the Fire Fighter of the Year award. Duron has worked for the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department for 12 years and is currently assigned to Fire Station 12 in southeast San Diego. During a recent yearlong human resources assignment at headquarters, Masonic officials said Duron established processes and forms that made the transition of new standards under the Firefighter Bill of Rights an easier process. “He developed some of the things they are using now to better understand the bill of rights,” Provencio said, “and make the fire department better.” The lodge has hosted the awards dinner for 14 years. Although reservations are now closed, Provencio said he expects a good turnout. “We will have a good attendance,” Provencio said. “It would be nice if we packed the place.” For more information, call (619) 223-1569.