As mysteriously as she arrived, the nautical nymph perched on top of Ross Rock vanished during the night of June 13. Although high tides have been pounding the cliffs the past week, it seems her departure was not from natural causes. According to 10News.com, the “Cliffs Crew” is claiming they removed the mermaid. Members of this group told 10News that they witnessed people trying to climb 50-foot-high Ross Rock to take selfies with the blue-haired goddess. The crew didn’t want anyone to be harmed attempting to scale the rock. An?Arizona man, who admitted to being part of the group who placed the mermaid on the rock, told KUSI News they want it back. The man, who remained anonymous, said it took a year of planning and that they’re disappointed she’s missing.
He added it would be great if there was a local business or restaurant that would want to put her up. Point Loma resident Lucie Leonard took photos on May 31 that showed a rope ladder and two men on the rock installing the Marina the mermaid. “I wouldn’t call it art. I wouldn’t call it vandalism. I think that someone was just trying to bring some joy to the world,” Leonard said.
She said one of the men must have free-climbed the side and dropped a rope ladder for the mermaid to reach her seat.
The mermaid isn’t the first to perch aloft the notorious rock. In 2010, the numbers “2010” stood proud. Before that, in 2006, a peace sign was put up, only to be stolen and returned to the roof of the OB Hostel on Newport Avenue. Other royalty to grace the top of the formation includes a pterodactyl, an Easter Island head replica, a Christmas tree, and a toilet with a Raiders fan wedged inside.