On Saturday, Jan. 30, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. nature lovers of all ages will celebrate one of San Diego’s most unique and threatened landscapes: wetlands. San Diego Audubon, the UC Natural Reserve System, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Friends of Mission Bay Marshes will bring families the 10th annual Love Your Wetlands Day at the Kendall Frost Marsh in Pacific Beach, 2055 Pacific Beach Drive, which is Mission Bay’s only remaining marsh. Love Your Wetlands Day features six hours of interactive activities, guided tours, games, raffles, and bird demonstrations to illustrate the importance of wetlands in San Diego, what threatens them, and the role we play in preserving and protecting them. “Families and friends will have the chance to learn first-hand about the marsh and how we can protect and restore it for future generations,” says Isabelle Kay, Kendall Frost Marsh reserve manager with the UC Natural Reserve System. “Educating our community about the importance of wetlands begins with hands-on education at events like this.” This year’s Love Your Wetlands Day is an important part of ReWild Mission Bay, San Diego Audubon’s conservation effort to engage the public and collect input to enhance and restore up to 170 acres of wetlands in the northeast corner of Mission Bay. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and UC Natural Reserve System support ReWild and recently teamed with hundreds of San Diego Audubon volunteers to re-vegetate the area with native plants. “Jan. 30 is a special opportunity for the community to understand, enjoy, and celebrate this marsh that’s typically off limits for the public,” says Rebecca Schwartz, conservation program manager at San Diego Audubon. “This event, in combination with other conservation efforts such as ReWild Mission Bay, will help people understand the importance of protecting wetlands in San Diego.” This free event is open to the public and requires no tickets or reservations. For more information, visit sandiegoaudubon.org/events.