In January, La Jolla Village Merchants Association got updates on the sea lion situation, as well as being clued in by president James Niebling on the merchant group’s final strategic plan for 2017-18.
Recent past LJVMA president CA Marengo said the community is currently “at a standstill with the mayor’s office,” on what to do about the burgeoning sea lion population at the Cove.
“He (mayor) needs assistance from the higher jurisdictions, mainly with the water quality board and also the Coastal Commission,” Marengo said. “Our whole problem is the water going into the body of water (ocean) that is regulated.”
“We’re trying to protect and enhance our beautiful environment,” said Laurnie Durisoe, owner of Pantai Inn. “It’s (sea lion problem) a really big thing for us.”
In his president’s report, James Niebling of Esteban Interiors talked about the group’s ongoing strategic plan stressing “what we see as new and big ideas for the coming year.”
“We felt what was most important was our (LJVMA’s) image, and website redesign,” Niebling said adding “we need to be very dynamic with social media.”
Of website redesign, LJVMA executive director Sheila Fortune noted, “There’s a lot we can do to enhance that experience.”
Next in importance, said Niebling, was “developing a signature event to really capitalize on the successes we’ve had so far.”
LJVMA’s president said the current proposal is to start some kind of a culinary event with a tie into Restaurant week, perhaps with a local chef’s competition.
“It could be a big draw working with our restaurants and chefs on marketing and could be attractive for TV, radio and social media,” Niebling said. “We want it (new event) to be ever-changing and constantly updated.”
In other action:
• LJVMA heard a presentation from Tresha Souza discussing So Fine on Kline, an annual block party raising funds for Stella Maris Academy. Souza presented LJVMA board with a $1,000 check from chili cook-off proceeds from last year’s fundraiser. Fortune noted the profit sharing arrangement is paying dividends as the amount LJVMA now receives is $200 more than it was previously.
• Padres PR rep Brad Dwight spoke briefly saying the team was willing to work with LJVMA again this year on promoting a La Jolla Day at Petco Park.