Navajo Canyon Republican Women of California is postponing its planned meeting on Tuesday, April 14 at the Carlton Oakes Country Club.
When it is rescheduled, Liz Wheeler, host of “Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler” on One America News Network, will be the featured speaker. Anyone who has watched the TV series knows that Liz is one of the most outspoken and pithy television personalities and is best known for being no-nonsense and straight talking. In addition to her TV career, she is also an established author and has published her book, “How To Topple The Left’s House of Cards,” in 2019.
All are welcome and encouraged to join us to meet and mingle with other like-minded conservative thinkers. There will be lots of spirited conversation as we have just finished the March primary and are now looking ahead to November with great optimism.
The cost is $30 and that includes a gourmet burger bar dinner. Cash and checks are accepted, but no credit cards. There will be a no-host bar. As an added attraction to the evening, we will have our annual “Road Show” with used treasures offered at a silent auction.
Reservations are required as we do anticipate a large crowd. Please RSVP to [email protected] or call Marjie at 619-990-2791 for questions or to confirm your reservation.
The June lunch meeting of Navajo Canyon will feature Trevor Loudon, acclaimed speaker, author and political activist speaking on “Enemies Within.” Details to be announced soon, but you will want to save the date Tuesday, June 9, to hear this dynamic speaker. Please visit our website at rwcNavajoCanyon.org and check us out on Facebook at Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon.
We have been exposed to a whirlwind of political advertisements and promises the past several weeks and, of course, there will be many more to come. Voting in our representative republic/democracy is a privilege and responsibility, not just to vote, but to be an educated voter. It is not easy to sort out the truths from the untruths during an election cycle, but please take the time to do some research and make wise choices. If indeed, your vote is your voice, then be aware that an uninformed voice is no better at the ballot box than anywhere else in public life.
When you are being asked to vote for change, you must take into account how much better things are now than just three to four years ago. Our economy is booming, unemployment is at record low levels, middle class taxes are reduced, our military is stronger, the wall is being built and doing what it was intended to do, and our trade deals are being renegotiated and made fairer to the United States.
The list goes on and on. We don’t need change — we need to continue on the current path and be grateful that we have found our way to a stronger nation and more respected status in the world.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women of California.