By Kathryn Johnson
Become a Friend of the Library
Would you like to get more involved in the community? Are you passionate about the library and all we offer?
If so, please consider joining the Friends of the Allied Gardens/Benjamin Library. This wonderful group of library supporters works in a variety of ways to provide exceptional programming for our patrons as well as a great library experience for all. If you would like more information, please contact me at [email protected] or attend the next meeting on Wednesday, March 27, at 1 p.m. here at the library.
New York Times now available
Thanks to the California State Library, we now offer electronic access to The New York Times from 1851 to present. This resource can be accessed from the “Search Articles and Databases” line in the “I want to…” drop-down menu on our home page. Once accessed, you will need to register with an email address. The California State Library anticipates making this available for the next 18 months.

Free tax help continues
Thanks to the very committed AARP volunteers, we will continue to offer free tax help for low to middle income adults ages 50 and over. This service is offered on Mondays from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Assistance is offered on a first come, first served basis. Please note: there will be no tax help on Friday, March 22.
Vegan adventures
Our vegan cooking class, which takes place on alternate months, returns on March 12. This month we invite people to join us for a food-sampling event that includes a variety of appetizers and vegan cake and ice cream for a vegan birthday party. Everyone is sure to enjoy this yummy program with food, music and thoughtful conversation. Tuesday, March 12, at 6 p.m. Please sign up using our online calendar at sandiego.librarymarket.com/.
Understanding Medicare
A local financial advisor will be presenting information about what Medicare offers and how to sign up. Please join us and be sure to bring your questions. Wednesday, March 13 at 5:15p.m. Please register using our online calendar at sandiego.librarymarket.com/.
Preschool gymnastics
Calling all aspiring young gymnasts! The library will host a beginning gymnastics class for children ages 3-5 on Friday, March 15, at 10 a.m. Space is limited so please register via our online calendar.
Thanks for the love
In honor of Library Lovers’ Month, the library held an all-ages coloring contest and asked that people include their reason for loving the library. We received lots of colorful entries with great reasons for admiring the library. It seems we are loved for having so many puppy books, being “funner” than home and for having so many books. Congratulations to all of our winners!
— Kathryn Johnson is managing librarian of the Allied Gardens Benjamin Branch Library.