Allied Gardens Library
Libraries are ballot drop off locations: Starting Oct. 6, all San Diego Public Library locations will have representatives from the Registrar of Voters onsite to accept you completed ballot. The drop off will operate from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday through Nov. 2. On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3, the hours for drop off will be 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Your signed, sealed and dated mail ballot envelope can be dropped off during these times.
Decoding the Ballot
Oct. 17 at 10 a.m.
Are you finding the Voter Information Guide a bit overwhelming? Would you benefit from an in-depth, nonpartisan analysis of some of the more complicated propositions? If so, please join us for an informative presentation offered by the League of Women Voters. This event will be online via Zoom. To attend, be sure to register on our event calendar: sandiego.librarymarket.com/events.
ABCs of ADUs
Oct. 22 at 2 p.m.
Have you thought about building an accessory dwelling unit on your property? Would you like more information about the possible costs as well as the permitting process? If so, please join us for an informational ADU presentation. Deputy Director of Development Services, Gary Geiler, will present on city requirements and regulations regarding ADUs via a live Zoom program. There will be time after the program to have your questions answered. Be sure to register at tinyurl.com/y4vfgess.
Virtual Toddler Storytime
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Join us for Virtual Toddler Storytime with Mrs. Suzanne via Zoom! Registration is required as space is limited. Registration opens the Thursday before the program at 9 a.m. Please register using the child’s name. Once registered, you will receive an email confirmation. You will also receive a reminder email with Zoom information on the morning of the program. To register go to our online calendar and click on the storytime you would like to attend.
Halloween at the library: “Boo-oo-oo, Boo-oo-oo, Boo-oo-oo!” Celebrate Halloween Safely this year. Join us for contact-less Trick or Treating on Sat. Oct 31, between 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. We will be giving away goodie bags with sweet treats and an age appropriate book. Wear your costume and call us from the parking lot at 619-533-3970. We’ll come out with your goody bag that we will leave on the table for you to collect. Kids of all ages are welcome. Hope to see you here for some sweet, spooky fun!
Please remember we are open for contactless pick up service and are always happy to help you find a good book by giving us a call 619-533-3970. You can also follow the Allied Gardens/Benjamin Library (@alliedgardenslibrary) on Facebook.
—Kathryn Johnson is managing librarian of the Allied Gardens-Benjamin Branch Library.
San Carlos Library
New online programming: We will be increasing our online presence by offering new programs on our Facebook page. Be sure to check out these initial offerings and check back regularly for new announcements at facebook.com/SanCarlosBranchLibrary.
Join us for a weekly inspirational quote by J.R.R. Tolkien in an online program called “Lord of the Rings Life Lessons.” Librarian, David Ege, will enlighten and inspire by reading select passages from “The Lord of the Rings.” Videos will be posted every Monday at 10 a.m.
Do you ever wonder what you and your kids should read next? We are excited to introduce a new online program called “What’s Ms. Erin Reading?” to help you decide! Each week, youth services librarian, Erin Moore, will release a teaser image and then a video of a fun book she is reading. Book review videos will post every Friday at 2 p.m. You may also contact Ms. Erin for children’s reading suggestions at [email protected].
In-N-Out Reading Program: This program encourages children to read through the fall. Starting Oct. 3, kids ages 4-12 who read five books will receive a certificate for a free hamburger. Kids may earn up to three certificates. The program runs through Nov. 14. To sign up, go to: sandiego.beanstack.org.
San Carlos Friends of the Library: You are invited to join the San Carlos Friends of the Library (SCFOL) for their annual General Membership meeting held via ZOOM on Saturday, Nov. 21 from 10-11 a.m. If you would like to join the ZOOM meeting, email your reservation-email-address to SCFOL President, Joan Hayes, at [email protected] before Nov. 1 to receive the ZOOM link.
The meeting’s agenda will include SCFOL Chapter updates, what’s new with the library’s virtual and non-contact activities and attending SCFOL members will confirm the 2021 San Carlos Friends of the Library Officers and Board Members. All SCFOL members are eligible to have their name placed in nomination for a board position. Contact Joan Hayes if you are interested in submitting your name for consideration as a member of the SCFOL Board of Directors.
Current 2021 nominees:
- Officers: President, Joan Hayes; Secretary, Evie McGhee; Treasurer, Jerry Hotz
- SCFOL Board of Directors: Bill Bischoff, Ruth Coleman, Barbara Dennis, Sue Hotz, Ron McFee.
Please consider joining SCFOL. Individual memberships start as low as $5, and if sent in after Oct. 1, will not expire until Dec. 31, 2021. Friends Life memberships are just $250 per person; the names of new Life Members received before Oct. 30, will be added to the Honor Wall plaque for 2020. Join today. Applications are available through the Branch’s contactless pick-up service, and on sancarlosfriendsofthelibrary.org.