A warm glow Thank you to the anonymous donor for saving the fire pits throughout San Diego’s beaches and Mission Bay. We are one of the many groups and families that enjoy sitting around a warm fire enjoying friends and fellowship. The Beach Bums Christ Lutheran Church The token child I am so sorry that Proposition 8 has caused such a problem. I am sorry that people see homosexual marriage as a right. First of all, God ordained marriage between a man and a woman. The more we have abused this rule, the more problems we have as a society. I am surprised that people believe that rights are more important than God’s commandments. I personally have lived with a homosexual parent and I wouldn’t wish this problem on anyone. I was the token child since he couldn’t make one normally. I took his name even without adoption. My mother was the unsuspecting token wife and he made it hard for her to leave without complications. Our society is forced by minority groups to be what they want us to be and to think what they want us to think. We don’t need to feel sorry for these people and we don’t need to be their token guilt partners either. Since homosexuals don’t have children, they can put more money into their causes. Adopting children is one of their causes and many believe it is their right. If I had the ability, I would legally prevent this situation from happening to another child the way I had to experience it. America is struggling to make sense of minority control and now homosexual rights. We need to get back on a healthy track and start focusing on all of our citizens. Susan Drake, La Jolla They are accountable to us, not us to them Regarding “More views on Prop 8” (Letters to the Editor, Dec. 23, page 6) and protecting democracy: Thank goodness for the California Constitution — a document created by “we the people” to serve and protect the rights and liberties of “we the people” from the majority — or from the minority. A living document, the preamble is quite clear in that it serves to secure and perpetuate freedom’s blessings provided by Almighty God. We the people own the ability to establish it, change it and modify it. In fact, Article 2 is quite clear when it states, “All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require.” This constitution belongs to “we the people” and not they the legislature nor they the court. It establishes protections against their tyranny and we the people have changed our constitution more than any other state for this very reason. When the legislature or judiciary gets too out of touch, they no longer serve the people. They are accountable to us, not us to them as much as they would hope it not to be so. We the people of California made clear in the most recent election that we understand marriage well. We comprehend that current law is quite clear that same-sex couples have the same rights as the rest of society. We also appreciate that marriage has its origins in religion. It is considered to be a sacred union sanctified by God. Our constitution is quite explicit in providing for the free enjoyment of religion without discrimination. The issue before the voters therefore was quite simple — it was that of “we the people” providing a definition to the judiciary and legislature of the term marriage so they would know how to govern. Agendas, be they legislative or judicial, cannot nor will not be tolerated. We the people have spoken — and rest assured that we will speak again. Government works for us. The freedoms are ours. We are fiercely protective. Al Sargeant, La Jolla