Make ecosystem investment today I very much enjoyed the article by Judith Garfield, “Reversing the tide of ocean species pillage,” printed on the 8th of this month (page B-1). It was incredible to read her firsthand account of the shifting baseline in our backyard waters of La Jolla. I commend Ms. Garfield on her willingness to share her beliefs in an even-handed and well-researched manner, relying on her many years of experience as a local diver and as a photographer to inform her choice to support the conservation proposal, map proposal 3, and the Marine Life Protection Act. It is certainly true that no time is better than the present to make a lasting investment in the health and sustainability of our local ecosystem by supporting strong marine protected areas in La Jolla so that we can continue to enjoy sharing the ocean with local marine life for generations to come. Jennifer Black, local diver and La Jolla resident MDA Telethon thanks San Diegans The results of the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Telethon several weekends ago are proof of something I’ve believed for decades: The compassion and generosity of the American public is, in a word, unparalleled. Even now, with the tough times our country faces, Americans have opened their hearts and more to come through for those in need. The 44th annual telethon was a fantastic success, in no small part thanks to the citizens of San Diego and their generous pledges. For anyone who hasn’t yet made that contribution, it’s not too late. Visit and make that pledge while you’re thinking about it. The continued outpouring of support will help MDA provide tens of thousands of people with muscular dystrophy and other related diseases with medical care, specialized equipment, summer camp and support groups. I want to extend a special heartfelt thank you to the citizens of San Diego for your generosity in helping fuel MDA’s lifesaving mission and for creating hope for “my kids.” God bless you all. Alex Ford, administrative assistant ‘Dedicated’ workers union serves only itself So, I see the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) took out out a full-page color ad in your publication. Life must be swell for all these unions. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger came into office and identified the problem with our state and four propositions were put on the ballot to stop the bleeding. SEIU and the “dedicated state employees” along with every union representing a government entity, came unglued and launched one of the most massive assaults on a political figure I’ve witnessed in my 56 years. The people — having heard the words of fear from the magic box from the “dedicated state employees” regarding loss of police, fire, teachers and how the populace won’t survive — voted down these measures. Now the bill has come due. These “dedicated employees” unions are only dedicated to self interest and not to the state. Isn’t there an irony here? The same people who have bankrupted the state are wealthy enough to run full-page color ads. Just like they had plenty of money for calling Schwarzenegger a rat every 30 seconds on the magic box. The sad part is how many people don’t read the “paid for by” at the end and bottom of the ads. These unions are flush with our money. Start shutting services. Balance the budget. James Rexroad, Loma Portal