Gov’t officials need a wake-up call
I understand the senators are about to vote to raise their salaries, as well as our city councilmembers. I write this not as a Republican or a Democrat, but as a concerned American citizen. Why are our elected officials acting like spoiled brats?
They have been elected to see that the government is run properly, that the budget is balanced and that the American people are allowed to go about the business of living in a country untainted by corruption.
Why are they chasing around making speeches and trying to get votes to be elected again instead of tending to the business of running the government. Isn’t that what they were elected and being payed for?
Also, why is our President gallivanting around foreign countries trying to settle their disputes when he can’t settle ours. Why not put all these spoiled brats into a room with no vacations and no salary until our government is back on an even keel?
Ada May Powers, Point Loma
Residents need to face airport issues before Nov.
Jason Wells’ review of the airport problem (“Campaigns Coalesce,” The Peninsula Beacon, June 22) is the best I have read to date. Factors, I believe, our citizens need to face well before Nov. 7 are:
– Can San Diego “ever” get enough water and sewer processing for another million residents, in spite of airport needs ” and on top of our ridiculous funding problems?
– Marines have always been the most adaptable of all our military and they could move to Yuma now with the defense budget at quarter trillion dollars! They did at El Toro!
– Where are the facts about which airport is safer (not just noisier), Lindbergh or Miramar, for residents ” after millions spent on “studies”?
Walt Tice, Jan O’Connor
Pacific Beach