Human obsession with greed Marine biologist, Ph.D. Valentine (“Lightner deserves laud,” Letter to the editor, Village News, 5 March, page 8) must have his “knickers in a twist.” Why wouldn’t he support the seal rookery? Instead he chants the tired mantra “700,000 children” in S.D. County are denied access to the Children’s Pool. The pool area is only about an acre big! How could they all fit? I understand there are some 70 miles of S.D. County beachfront, more than enough for everybody. Why do they also need the place the seals call “home,” and use as a nursery? Ph.D Valentine wished to “laud” Councilwoman Lightner for her stand against “civil waste.” If the seals are evicted, the City would have to spend “$1,000,000 to dredge the sand” to make it clean enough for “the children.” Isn’t that civil waste? That seems to me like a conflict of interest, a weakness suffered by many politicians. Remember the slogan, “Follow the money.” I am sure someone sees a profit in getting rid of the seals. Is it the legals, or perhaps a dredging company? It certainly isn’t the city. I live in the area of The Pool, and daily see crowds of people enjoying “Seal Beach” as something totally unique. Many children like seeing the seals, while others happily frolic on the other local beaches. I don’t think this quarrel is about “the children.” I believe it is about the human obsession with greed. We must have it all. A far more credible reason to drive off the seals could possibly be that occasional stealthy scuba divers use underwater flashlights to poach lobsters, or possibly abalone, in the dark hours before dawn. Certainly they aren’t looking for buried treasure. Sometime in the dim past of human history someone decided that humans were superior to anything else on Earth, and that we could do what we wanted with it. It is astounding that most people still believe this to be a truth. Wake up! We are just a part of a much bigger whole, but we are fast destroying what was given to us to guard carefully. Peter Fraser, La Jolla Want to rescind our votes We voted for Sherri Lightner because she indicated she was for the seals. Now we find she is the only one of the City Council that voted against the seals. It is too bad that we cannot rescind our votes. We are very disappointed with her! Gerry and Syd Franklin, La Jolla Time for a name change? Mr. David Valentine writes in a March 5 letter to the editor that 700,000 children in San Diego County could be denied use of public swimming referring to seals vs. children at La Jolla Children’s Pool. Where does that number come from? Even if this was a correct number, I would bet most children in a poll would choose to swim someplace else rather than displace the seals from the Children’s Pool. Also, people don’t ask me where the Children’s Pool is — they ask where they can see the seals. Maybe time for a name change. Tim Myers, La Jolla