Other markets offer better faire in Pt. Loma
I can’t get it off my mind. The article almost sounded like a small promo for Olive Tree Market which does not quite even come close to a market.
Bottom line-no mention was made of Stumps Family Market. Of all markets, this one is actually the easiest one for previous Albertsons shoppers to get to. Straight down Catalina to Chatsworth, left on Voltaire and you are there. No four-way stops, often nonstop. This market is a true family market. People often greet one by name, they take time to visit and socialize with their customers, even remembering family problems, events et cetera.
It is truly family-operated right across from the most modern updated library in San Diego and very convenient for those in Point Loma shopping in the Midway/Sports Arena area.
Also, no ridiculous club cards are required.
If any market deserved mention, this one did.
Greg Gieselman, Point Loma
Peninsula deserves top notch replacement store
You will probably get a flood of letters from old timers in Point Loma, but I will just add mine to the pile.
A grocery store has been in operation at the Albertson’s location since 1956, but it’s been both a Food Basket and a Lucky Market during the years.
Terry Wilson should have dug deeper for the story instead of taking one person’s vested interest view. Also, rumor has it that one of the giant grocery store chains has bought the whole triangle of land Albertson’s sits on and that it plans a development which will include a grocery store.
Terry should research that. It would make a great story. In any case, let’s hope we get a first class grocery store like those in other cities and not the humdrum mediocre places Point Loma has been stuck with for so many years.
Rene Phillips, Point Loma
Alcohol-free beaches should extend to OB
In support of Bill Bradshaw and his April 13 letter “Ban alcohol on beaches,” I was reminded of this matter being brought before the Ocean Beach, Mission Beach and Pacific Beach town councils, in 1999. I believe the issue was under review at that time for a six month period.
The complaints were warranted by Mission Beach and most of the Pacific Beach area residents.
Ocean Beach never made a comment for unknown reasons. It seemed like Ocean Beach would become the solo booze beach of the southern coast, to which I am sure some key merchants were praying for.
Living on the beach for many years, I have seen good and bad with alcohol consumption on the sand, however, this leads to drug activity as well.
Getting our local beaches alcohol free has to be put on a city or county ballot, because there is a strong silent group opposing this in the name of profit.
A family-oriented, clean, safe beach would be welcomed by all our San Diego County beach goers.
Paul Daughtery, Ocean Beach
Concerned over bully tactics toward seals
I am astounded by the ongoing events concerning the seals at Casa Beach. These animals have been harassed, frightened and literally chased off the beach.
I am disgusted that some people are intentionally harassing the seals because they feel they are more entitled to the beach than the seals. While it would be simple for these people to walk down the street to the next beach (there is no shortage of other beaches in the area I assure you), instead they continue to try and frighten the seals from the one beach which is vital to their survival.
This harassment has resulted in the deaths of newborn seals as their mothers are too frightened to stay and care for them. The mentality of these people reminds me of school age bullies. We should be helping to protect the seals from these people by immediately re-establishing barriers which keep people away from the seals. The city and the federal agency charged with the enforcement of the Marine Mammal Protection Act has done nothing to protect the seals and for that they should be ashamed.
Chief Seattle once said: “When the buffalo are all slaughtered, the wild horses all tamed, the secret corners of the forest heavy with the scent of many men, and the view of the ripe hills blotted out by talking wires. Where is the thicket? Gone. Where is the eagle? Gone.”
Someday we may ask: Where are the seals? Gone.
Erika Mijuskovic, San Diego