Stopping cell towers needs more involvement
[Volume 21, Issue 12 or bit.ly/1QEYKj1]
On Dec. 9, 2015, approximately 65 San Carlos residents showed up at the monthly meeting of the Navajo Community Planners. They came to speak of their opposition to the two 70-foot cell phone towers T-Mobile wants to install at the San Carlos Park.
Eight of the people were on a committee formed in September of 2015 to fight installation of these towers. They walked the neighborhood and got over 350 signatures on petitions and about 65 residents of the area showed up to voice their opposition. So many people wanted to speak that the normal time allowance of three minutes each was shortened to one minute per speaker.
Most of the speakers referred to the Navajo Community Plan that they read online. Many found points in the plan that are contrary to two 70-foot cell towers being in this park. The board voted unanimously “NO” to having these cell towers.
Now the issue will be addressed at the next level of government — the San Diego Planning Commission, which will meet on this issue on Thursday, April 14 at 9 a.m. at 202 C St., San Diego in the 12th-floor council chambers. Anyone who wishes to attend this meeting may do so.
If you are opposed to this issue of the two T-Mobile towers at the San Carlos Park, please attend this meeting if you can and please email your comments to: [email protected] and to [email protected].
Also, we want people aware that T-Mobile, after getting a “no” vote at Navajo Community Planners meeting, decided to go ahead anyway by taking the issue to San Diego Planning Commission. If they are again voted down by the commission, T-Mobile can take the issue to the San Diego City Council. We may have to defeat the issue two more times.
This is an important issue that affects our community. If you are opposed, please take a few minutes and let the Planning Commission and Councilman Scott Sherman know.
—Barbara and Chuck Carter, San Carlos