Davis wrong on abortion
Re: “Congress must codify Roe v. Wade into law” [Volume 25, Issue 6 or bit.ly/2JEg1sv]
I recently read Rep. Susan Davis’ bulletin in the latest issue of the Courier. By stressing women’s health care, she fails to mention the truth that abortion is killing millions of unborn babies. These are individual and unique human beings. One just can’t look the other way at the taking of so many innocent human lives.
She states that no one is pro-abortion but I disagree. One only has to look at the pro-abortion demonstrators at a pro-life rally, or the 20 Democrats running for president who all claim to be pro-abortion.
I agree with Rep. Davis that we as a nation should make child care more affordable. However, passing the FAMILY Act will do little to reduce the abortion rate. Financial constraints are not the reason most opt for abortion. Many use abortion as a form of late birth control to avoid inconvenience.
If Rep. Davis is truly not pro-abortion as she claims, then why not spend more effort on those women who don’t want to terminate their pregnancies, but need help; or by educating people on the grisly abortion process as well as its effects on women’s physical and mental health. Passing the Women’s Health Protection Act will only ensure the proliferation of abortion.
— Doug Perl, San Carlos.