Chris Olsen
[In response to “D3’s passionate policy wonk” which ran in the Feb. 7 issue of Uptown News]
Many Uptown News readers were puzzled by Chris Olsen’s belief that “a bad communications roll out” was the real problem with the Faulconer-Ward plan to replace all 30th Street parking with bike lanes and “a comprehensive parking management strategy” would have mollified the community.
No amount of spin or ‘splaining would persuade us that City Hall should carve out a disproportionate amount of road space to benefit a small group of people. Residential parking permits won’t help customers from outside North Park who come here to shop and eat. And where will we cram in enough parallel or head-in parking to replace nearly 500 lost spaces?
Given that he is running for our District 3 seat, I don’t think Chris meant to be dismissive of opponents of 30th Street parking removal. But if he thinks we are misguided people who just need to be educated and enlightened, he may not be the best choice to represent our community.
— Kate Callen, cofounder co-founder of SoNo Neighborhood Alliance