In the Beacon’s coverage of a presentation I made to Point Loma Planning Board about the currently organizing Point Loma Town Council, Point Loma Association (PLA) board members were quoted expressing their concern that a town council serves the same purpose as the PLA. While, a town council and PLA both strive to preserve qualities of our community, they are designed to work quite differently. Bylaws of a town council provide for inclusive elected representation of all parts of the peninsula in engaging political action on common issues. Point Loma Town Council is currently organizing as a not for profit corporation, the bylaws and mission of which ensure engagement and representation of residents and businesses in every part of Point Loma’s varied community. The council’s mission is to empower Point Loma in effectively dealing with airport noise, Navy operations. Port district obligations and city development practices, as well as bluff erosion, traffic and restoration of La Playa beaches. Town councils are a proven strategy in other San Diego communities, to address quality of life issues, ranging from developing without infrastructure to modifying community plans and so on. Point Loma Town Council is a forum providing a voice for concerns of all resident sand businesses. Impacts and consequences vary in different parts of the Peninsula and the bylaws of Point Loma Town Council provide for elected representation of residents and neighborhoods in all our micro-communities so they can be supported by the collective power of the Peninsula. We’d very much appreciate your help in keeping Peninsula readers informed about an important benefit for all of us. Please, let me know if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Michael Winn, chair
Founding committee
Point Loma Town Council