The City of La Mesa, in partnership with the East County EDC, launched the LEAP program, which distributes up to $20K in grant funds to new restaurant, retail, and other enterprises.
To qualify, recipients must open a business within the incorporated City of La Mesa.
The program will provide each entrepreneur with a robust start-up training program, individualized advising sessions, and an accountable case management system.
What is the LEAP program?
The La Mesa Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program (LEAP) is a partnership between the City of La Mesa and the East County EDC. LEAP directly addresses the biggest obstacles to starting a new business, (1) training and (2) funding. Each entrepreneur who is accepted into the program will be provided with a robust start-up training program, individualized advising sessions and accountable case management. Upon completion of the program, they will also be eligible for up to $20K in grant funds.
What are the eligibility requirements for the LEAP program?
To be eligible for the LEAP program, you must be:
- at least 21 years old
- a resident of San Diego County
- willing to open a brick-and-mortar location within the incorporated City of La Mesa.
How long does it normally take to fill out the application?
The time necessary to complete each answer will vary by individual. Keep in mind that selections for the program are based on the quality of the answers provided on the application. Please give yourself ample time to answer each question completely and to the best of your ability.
How are the answers on my application screened?
Your application will be screened using a predetermined scoring rubric. Each answer that you provide will be given a point value based on a pre-determined evaluation criterion. Once each of your answers is scored, the points will be added together to give you a final score. The maximum final score that an applicant can receive is 100. Entrepreneurs who receive the highest final scores will be invited to participate in the interview process.
What is the process for being admitted into the LEAP program?
Entrepreneurs wishing to be accepted into the LEAP program must complete the LEAP application. The LEAP application is available on the East County Economic Development Council Website. LEAP Program – East County Economic Development Center (eastcountyedc.org) If an entrepreneur’s application is selected during the screening process, the applicant will be invited to an interview with a member of the East County EDC staff. Applicants who interview successfully will be admitted into the program.
I was selected for the LEAP program, what happens next?
Applicants selected for the LEAP program will be assigned a case manager. The case manager will help ensure that each applicant stays on track and attends the required courses and advising sessions. Each entrepreneur is required to complete five SBDC training Classes, ten one-on-one advisory sessions, and sign a lease within the incorporated City of La Mesa. In addition to these requirements, applicants will be expected to register with the SBDC, complete all SBDC course materials, develop a business plan and acquire the proper business licenses and permits.
Why do I need a case manager?
Your case manager is a reliable point of contact for program services, scheduling classes and advising sessions and general check-ins. Your case manager will build a path to success and help ensure that you complete the program.
What courses will I be required to take?
Entrepreneurs accepted into the LEAP program will be required to complete five courses. All Entrepreneurs must complete:
LEAP-100: Optimizing Your Start-Up: Simple Steps to Starting Your Small Business
LEAP–200: Business Plans that Get Results
LEAP–600: Business Loan Readiness
The remaining two courses will be based on business category. Other qualifying courses include:
LEAP-300: Pitching your Product to Retail Store Buyers
LEAP-400: Opening and Operating a Successful Retail Store
LEAP-500: How to Successfully Open Your New Food Business
Additional SBDC courses may meet LEAP requirements.
What if I have already completed some of the required courses through the SBDC?
Courses completed through SBDC within the past 3 months do not need to be retaken and will be marked complete.
Will the classes be offered online?
LEAP training courses will be offered in-person and attendance is mandatory. Classes will typically be offered within a 3-month window and make-up sessions will not be available.
How much time will it take to complete the program?
Completion time will vary among applicants depending on the pace they work at completing the steps towards starting a business. The training classes will be scheduled and completed during a three-month window.
When do I become eligible for a grant?
Entrepreneurs who complete all LEAP program requirements (courses, counseling sessions, etc.) will be eligible (not guaranteed) to receive installment grants of up to $20,000 based on the following payment schedule:
- $10K Obtain all required permits and licenses and sign commercial lease (within 6 months of course completion)
- $5K Remain in business for a 3-month period and demonstrate an increase in sales
- $5K Remain in business for a 6-month period and demonstrate an increase in sales
I already have a business – am I still eligible for the LEAP Program?
Established businesses may be eligible for the LEAP program if they do not currently have a brick-and-mortar location and are expanding to a commercial space in the incorporated City of La Mesa. To qualify, pre-existing businesses must demonstrate the requisite entrepreneurial spirit that is the foundation of the program. Pre-existing businesses can apply and will be subject to the same scoring rubric as new businesses. In these instances, eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
My business is a nonprofit, can I apply for LEAP?
Non-profits are not eligible for the LEAP program.
For more information about LEAP and to apply beginning Feb. 1, visit: eastcountyedc.org/leap-program/.