Election Day is just around the corner. On June 8, voters will be deciding the fate of Proposition D — making permanent the strong-mayor form of government. Prop D is the controversial ballot measure that increases the size and cost of city government and turns our temporary strong-mayor system into a permanent form of governance for San Diego. The League of Women Voters recommends a NO vote on Prop D. Why? Proposition D would make the strong mayor the permanent form of governance in San Diego. Unfortunately, it goes much further than that. Prop D would also increase the size and cost of city government by requiring the creation of an additional council district and all that goes with it: additional office space, staff, salaries, pensions, benefits and a ninth City Council member. We’re asking you to ask yourself: does it make sense to expand San Diego city government when the city is flat broke — when road repairs, street maintenance, libraries, parks, lifeguards, police, firefighters and too many other neighborhood services are on the chopping block? Is this the time to create bigger and more expensive government? To help you make an informed choice, we encourage you to go to League website at www.lwvsandiego.org. You’ll find an eye-opening report on the underside of our five-year experience with a strong-mayor form of government, as well as background information on Proposition D. You’ll also get a startling look at the “who’s who” of financial supporters of Prop D. After reading it, I think you’ll agree with the LWV that our city can’t afford Prop D — not financially, and not if you value the standards of good government espoused by the LWV. The LWV doesn’t have access to the hundreds of thousands of dollars accumulated by the special-interest supporters of Prop D to get the word out. Instead, we’re counting on neighbors telling neighbors, friends e-mailing friends and everyone else willing to stand up for good government in San Diego to vote NO on Prop D. Norma Damashek Co-president, San Diego League of Women Voters