San Diego, California is one of the most idyllic locations in the world for a variety of reasons, which is why so many people choose to move here. With more people in one location, though, there is a greater risk when getting behind the wheel. As a California driver, it’s easy to believe that you have it easier out on the roadway considering the nice weather, but this isn’t always the case.
How Common Are Car Accidents in the United States?
California is just one of many states within the country. Currently, there are over 400 million car accidents that occur throughout the course of a year in the state as a whole. This means that every time a driver gets behind the vehicle in this country, it’s important to be extremely vigilant. While all of these accidents will not result in a fatality, serious injuries can still occur.
Does San Diego Have a Higher Rate of Car Accidents?
As mentioned, many drivers are under the belief that living in a sunny state such as California means that there’s less of a likelihood for accidents due to the improved weather. However, California, as well as major cities such as San Diego, are not as safe for drivers as they appear. In fact, California has one of the highest fatality rates for drivers out of all states in the country. Given the large population of San Diego, California, it is one of the leading cities in the state for car accidents, which is why learning the common causes and how to avoid them is so important.
5 Common Causes of Car Accidents in San Diego
The first step in learning how to be safer on the road in a place where large numbers of accidents occur is learning what typically causes those accidents. While a car accident can be caused by virtually anything, there are five common causes to be aware of above all else:
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Driving under the influence is not only one of the leading causes of car accidents in California, but in the United States as a whole. You may not be able to control the actions of other drivers, but you can control your own actions. Never get behind the wheel if you are under the influence of anything, even if you believe you are completely sober. Going further, if you see drivers acting erratically on the road then give them plenty of room, rather than acting aggressively.
Driving recklessly and not obeying traffic laws
Another leading cause of car accident in San Diego is a failure to obey traffic laws, which results in reckless driving. Whether it is speeding, running stop signs or red lights, or another form of reckless driving, give poor drivers plenty of space on the road. Additionally, always be sure to obey traffic laws on the road rather than inventing your own.
Driving during poor weather conditions
While California is one of the states around the country with the best weather, it’s not immune to serious rainfall every once in a while. Additionally, being next to the ocean, San Diego can often experience serious fog resulting from its proximity to the ocean. This fog and potential rainfall can make certain days have poor weather for drivers who are inexperienced in these conditions. It’s best to stay home on these days and avoid driving whenever possible.
Driving while drowsy
As a driver, you should always be completely attentive behind the wheel, which is something drowsiness prevents. If you are road tripping down to San Diego or simply driving around later in the evening, quit driving as soon as you start to feel drowsy. Alternatively, allow someone else to handle the driving on your behalf so that you don’t accidentally cause an accident.
Driver negligence and error
Finally, driver error is one of the leading causes of accidents on the roadways in San Diego. Drivers changing lanes without looking, accidentally missing a red light, or other types of negligent driving can quickly lead to accidents. As a driver, focus on being defensive on the road rather than assuming other drivers will obey rules.
Tips for Staying Safe on San Diego Roadways
Whether you’ve been involved in a car accident in San Diego or you are simply trying to avoid one, learning how to prevent a car accident from occurring in the future is the best way to stay safe:
- Always allow at least three-to-four seconds of space between you and any vehicles in front of you to maximize reaction time
- Scan the road at least twelve seconds ahead of you to check for road hazards or traffic which may require enhanced reaction time
- Handle preventative maintenance on your vehicle so that you don’t have a breakdown while out on the road
- Avoid driving at night whenever possible
- Learn everything there is to know about the signals that your car provides you with
- Always carry emergency items in the back of your vehicle such as flares, non-perishable foods, and more in the event of an accident
- Remove any and all distractions from your vehicle prior to ever putting the car into its drive gear
- Always focus on enhancing the reaction time that you have behind the wheel
Protect yourself and your passengers today
There’s no guarantee that you or the passengers of your vehicle will not be involved in a car accident at some point in your lives. However, knowing the common causes of a car accident can help you take action to prevent an accident from occurring. At the very least, knowing how to stay safe and respond following an accident can simply help you be better prepared. Keep yourself and others safe on the roadway to start working towards reducing the number of accidents that occur in the United States.