The June 10 installation meeting of the La Mesa-El Cajon Branch of the American Association of University Women will be held at the Bay Club Hotel and Marina at 2131 Shelter Island Dr. in San Diego. The luncheon meeting begins at 11a.m. and dress is tropical.

The new officers will be led by President-Elect, Jane Drinkwalter.
For more information, lunch selections and reservations go to AAUW La Mesa-El Cajon (CA) Branch. The cost of the luncheon is $40.

The featured speaker at the luncheon will be STEM researcher, Heather Haeger, Ph. D from the College of Education at the University of Arizona.
Dr. Haeger is the research director for the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Learning Center and an assistant professor for Educational Policy Studies and Practice. The professor’s topic will be, “Creating more culturally engaging and inclusive environments in STEM.”
Her research is focused on equity in educational practices and barriers to full participation in STEM education. This research is used to inform programmatic interventions aimed at engaging students that have been traditionally marginalized in higher education and creating more inclusive and culturally responsive STEM learning environments. Dr. Haeger is the PI of the National Science Foundation funded Research on Educational Equity & Diversity in STEM (REEDS) Postdoctoral Fellows Program.
Concluding the luncheon will be a slide presentation of the year-in-review and presentation of the President’s book. Reservations for the luncheon must be made by June 1.
For more information, go to lamesaelcajon-ca.aauw.net.
New members are always welcomed and do not need to be invited to attend a meeting.