This October marks 125 years since the formation of the La Jolla Woman’s Club (LJWC). Also in October, the club will celebrate the 105th anniversary of its historic Irving J. Gill building.
To start off the anniversary month, the LJWC will hold a kick-off event from 5-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 715 Silverado St. This event will feature a high-end ladies boutique pop-up shop.
To celebrate these milestones, the LJWC will host a Casino Royale Gala from 4:30-9:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 19, at the clubhouse location. The event will include dinner, dancing, casino games, and an opportunity drawing.
“This anniversary, we’re looking forward to continuing the history of women working to make their community a better place,” says the current president of the LJWC, Tona Macken.
In 1894, a group of local women met to discuss current events and books. These women would name their group the La Jolla Woman’s Club in 1900. The club has been active in many historic events including the women’s suffrage movement.
Fast forward 125 years, the LJWC supports women in the community through events like the Women in Leadership speaker series, yoga classes, and community service projects. And the club still gathers together to discuss books.
“I’m looking forward to honoring the legacy of the club and celebrating the exciting things that we have going on in the future,” says Macken, who is looking forward to growing the club’s membership this year. “A woman’s club is a great place to meet with other women who have common interests and make the community a better place.”
October will bring the club’s first meeting of the season. Regular luncheons and meetings start the first Monday of each month starting in October. Each meeting is accompanied by a speaker or another form of entertainment. The season’s first meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 7.
“La Jolla Woman’s Club has a wonderful, illustrious history of support of the community,” says Macken. “We’re looking forward to continuing to be a moving force in La Jolla and San Diego.”
For more information about the LJWC, visit lajollawomansclub.org. To learn more about the anniversary gala and to purchase tickets, call 858-454-2354 or visiteventbrite.com/e/la-jolla-womans-club-125th-anniversary-casino-royale-fundraising-gala-tickets-69922525155.