Judy Sawyer, a talented artist and longtime member of the Foothills Art Association, is the Foothills’ Featured Artist for the month of July. Her exhibit will be on display on the Foothills’ website at foothillsartassociation.com. While in more normal times her artwork would hang in the Foothills Gallery for the month, the current restrictions of the coronavirus have caused the organization to move its shows online.
Over the years, Judy has developed a unique perspective on everyday items and her work covers a range of styles and subjects. Her paintings of leaves, branches, pottery, and animals are unique and charming.
Judy studied art in high school, then at Mesa College. She also took classes at San Diego Community College and Grossmont Adult School. She continues to study art with local teachers Drew Bandish and Marsha Austin-Rogers.
Years ago, Judy received a scholarship to the Hillcrest Beauty College and since 1967 has been a talented stylist. She owns two salons in the community of Kensington.
The Foothills Art Gallery remains closed at this time because of COVID-19, but you can view Judy’s work, as well as the work of other local artists, on the Foothills website. We plan to re-open the gallery in the near future, but in the meantime we invite you to visit our website at foothillsartassociation.com.
— Linda Michal writes on behalf of the La Mesa Foothills Art Association.