Eagle Scouts are flying the coop. Matthew Ingledew earned Eagle Scout status on Nov. 26, 2005. At 18 years old, Ingledew will soon leave Troop 4, ending his 12-year journey with Boy Scouts.
Ingledew built a pulpit for the La Jolla Presbyterian Church for his Eagle Scout project. Since the church sponsors Troop 4, Ingledew said he decided to “give something back.”
Becoming an Eagle Scout is the highest honor in Boy Scouts. The scout must achieve 21 merit badges, have led the troop in some way and complete a service project in the community. The badges include first aid, emergency preparedness, communications and environmental science.
Ingledew earned Eagle Scout rank along with two fellow members out of 60 boys in Troop 4.
Growing up in Boy Scouts provides the skills necessary to survive in the city or in the wilderness, Ingledew said, adding that he “recommend[s] it to every boy.”
As Ingledew graduates from La Jolla High School this year, he plans to study economics at either the University of San Diego or at the University of Arizona.