The inaugural Ken Whalen Surf Challenge will take place 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3 at San Fernando Court in Mission Beach. October marks a year since the community lost this well-loved avid surfer to a massive stroke at the age of 49. Whalen grew up surfing all the local beaches, and traveled the world with his friends and family to find the perfect waves together.
The event, for surfers 6 to 16 years of age, is free and family-friendly. Donations of any size are encouraged to be made to the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). Free parking will be available at the Belmont Park lot. Pre-registration for surfing is required at www.kenwhalensurfchallenge.com.
Sponsors of the event are Rubios, Rusty Surfboards, Hanger 94, Better Buzz Coffee. Rubios will be providing free food for participants and Better Buzz will be providing complimentary morning coffee. The Ken Whalen Surf Challenge is a way for locals to honor Whalen’s love of the ocean, adventurous spirit, dedication to family, and constant encouragement of others to get out and be active. “The goal of the event is to get kids and families surfing, and to bring awareness to the Challenged Athletes Foundation, a non-profit that Ken felt very strongly about supporting,” said Paula Whalen, spokesperson for the event. “CAF is working to build its resources for adaptive surfing programs that help get physically challenged kids and adults on boards and in the waves.” Whalen generously supported youth sports clubs in the La Jolla, Mission Beach, and Bay Park communities, as well as many other causes that made a difference in San Diego. Surfers of all ages are encouraged to come celebrate a healthy active lifestyle and the “stoke” of surfing, while supporting opportunities for challenged athletes to get back on surfboards or on boards for the first time.