By SDCNN Staff
Imam Taha Hassane, director of the Public/Interfaith Relations & Youth Program at the Islamic Center of San Diego, will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of the Uptown Democrats.
The imam will speak on the topic, “Misconceptions of the Islamic Faith,” at a time when bigoted and Islamaphobic comments are being routinely uttered by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
The talk will begin at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 23, at Joyce Beers Community Center, located at 1220 Cleveland Ave., which is in the HUB shopping center in Hillcrest. There will be a social period starting at 6:30 p.m.
Imam Hassane is joined the Islamic Center of San Diego in September 2004, leaving the Colorado Muslim Youth Foundation where he served as a youth instructor.
The imam graduated from the Institute of Islamic Sciences at the University of Algiers in Algeria, and served as a high school teacher and imam in Tenes, Algeria for 10 years before coming to the United States.
Imam Taha has a master degree of theology in Islamic studies from the Graduate Theological Foundation in South Bend, Indiana.
In addition to his duties at the center, Imam Taha is a:
- Religious adviser of the Muslim Students Association at UCSD
- Board member of the Interfaith committee for worker Justice of San Diego County
- Board member of the Interfaith Worker Justice, based in Chicago, Illinois
- Member of the Muslim-Catholic dialogue on the West Coast
- Member of the advisory boards of the San Diego Police Department and the Interfaith Advisory Board of the San Diego District Attorney
- Member of the CAIR California Executive Committee
- Volunteer chaplain at San Diego prisons and hospitals.