Bird Rock Community Council in April was updated on planned improvements at Hermosa “Rock” Park, on crime in nearby residential neighborhoods and on the community’s Maintenance Assessment District that maintains roundabouts and landscaping.
City project engineer Jesus Garcia said the project will “install a new sidewalk in front of Hermosa Park.”
Garcia said the project, expected to start the end of April or the beginning of May, will take “20 working days to construct.”
Garcia asked — and received — council’s approval for extending the project a couple of days past Memorial Day, the start of the city’s summer construction moratorium, should that be necessary. “This is a just-in-case scenario,” noted council president Jacqueline Bell.
Bird Rock resident Mike Costello noted Rock Park has a long history, pointing out it was discovered, early on, that baby carriages could not pass over gravel used on the pocket park site. He said requests to put in a concrete sidewalk and improve park drainage there were requested more than a decade ago.
“I would urge people to ask the city engineer’s office to expedite this project,” Costello said.
Council board member Barbara Dunbar reported that things are well with the assessment district, noting “the entire Sea Ridge roundabout has been cleared of planings and is now in the final stage of being replanted and looks a whole lot better.”
Dunbar cautioned residents against putting signage, such as business advertising or notices of lost pets, in landscaped roundabouts, as they are “safety hazards and also illegal.”
Dunbar said the best way to get a message out is to email information to [email protected] and that that information will be sent out to the entire community.
Bird Rockers were also warned to be on guard against door-to-door solicitors or people casing the neighborhood. They were also told, if they intend to tent their homes to gas them and exterminate termites, that they need to remove all valuables from them because opportunistic thieves with gas masks are increasingly plundering those properties.
Council will next meet Tuesday, May 5 at Bird Rock Elementary School auditorium.